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The Seven Chakras or Energy Centers or Wheels

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The Seven Chakras or Energy Centers or Wheels
The word ‘chakra’ means ‘wheel’ in Sanskrit. The yoga Upanishads (circa 600 A.D) refers to the chakras as psychic centers of consciousness. The seven chakras are located in the spine, in the subtle body surrounding the gross physical body. The subtle body is not visible to the ordinary eye.

What Are Chakras?

Chakras are constantly moving, continuously absorbing, currents of energy. Each of the chakras resonate with a certain colour, sound and frequency. When the chakras function well, then energy flows unhindered through our system, which is utilized for our growth and development.

When these energy centers are awakened, they whirl in a clockwise direction and help to establish the inner balance, the key components for good health. When the energy flow in the chakras is clear and unhindered, then a person’s body, mind and soul experience a sense of well-being. But, if the energy flow in the chakras is blocked, then, there is an imbalance in the person’s being.

What Is Prana?

Yogis say that chakras are centers of spiritual energy. This energy is called prana or life force. Each chakra contains a definite number of nadis and these nadis possess a tone or vibration. The chakra centers circulate pranic energy and energy is activated through these centers. Each chakra sends energy to the particular part of the physical body and correspondingly, the mental body too. Prana is a link between gross body and subtle or astral body.

The union of prana and mind with the self is the goal of Hatha yoga. There are three important Nadis in the spine. They are: Ida, Pingala and Sushumna Nadi.

Ida nadi represents – negative force – flow of consciousness.

Pingala nadi represents – positive force – flow of vital energy.

Sushumna nadi represents – neutral force – flow of spiritual energy.

Nadis carry pranic currents to all parts of the body. It is said that there are 72,000 nadis in our body.

The Seven Energy Centers in Detail

The Seven Chakras or Energy Centers or Wheels
The seven chakras correspond to the nerve plexuses in the physical body. They are:

Muladhara: corresponds to sacral plexus.

Swadhishthana: corresponds to prostatic plexus.

Manipura: corresponds to solar plexus.

Anahata: corresponds to the cardiac plexus.

Visudha: corresponds to the laryngeal plexus.

Ajna: corresponds to the cavernous plexus.

Sahasrara: corresponds to the pineal gland.

The chakras are sacred centers, which correlate to levels of consciousness. Simply stated, they are a reflection of our mental state. The chakras exert an important influence in our emotional life.

These energy centers relate to seven energy fields. The chakras are said to be balanced if they are vibrating at the required frequency-open, bright and clean. When the chakra gets blocked, then it affects our physical and mental health. It is important to know and balance the energies of these chakras. When the chakras are open, a person is vibrant and healthy. By meditating on the chakras, one can work on increasing the flow of pranic energy into the body.



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