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Most Dangerous Bridges In The World: Rope Hanging Bridges.

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Most Dangerous Bridges In The World: Rope Hanging Bridges.
Today, we’d like to acquaint you with some of the world’s most dangerous bridges that are meant only for walking. These are the so-called rope hanging bridges. You can find a wide variety of these bridges in countries like India, Malaysia, Philippines, New Zealand, Pakistan, Nepal, as well as in the interiors of some other countries.

A bridge can prove to be dangerous for a variety of reasons; either because it’s very old, narrow, too high up above the land, over a quick river or if the wooden “floor” goes missing. What makes them dangerous is the fact that in spite of the condition of the bridge, they have to be used; as many a time, these pathways are the main or even the only way for the local inhabitants of a small village to reach a bigger city. Among all the bridges, the most popular among tourists are the hanging bridges. Let’s take a look at some of them.

Before we start, I’d like to make a small note that this post is not meant to be scientific or a historical fact-sheet. The intention is to provide some entertainment in the form of a picturesque fun post that may even hold a surprise element. If you have ever seen or been on any such bridges, let us know and we’ll add it to the post. Enjoy the post!

Most Dangerous Bridges In The World: Rope Hanging Bridges.
Hussaini – Borit Lake, Pakistan.

Most Dangerous Bridges In The World: Rope Hanging Bridges.
Hussaini – Borit Lake, Pakistan.

Most Dangerous Bridges In The World: Rope Hanging Bridges.
Hussaini – Borit Lake, Pakistan.

Most Dangerous Bridges In The World: Rope Hanging Bridges.
Hussaini – Borit Lake, Pakistan.

Most Dangerous Bridges In The World: Rope Hanging Bridges.
Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge, Northern Ireland.

Most Dangerous Bridges In The World: Rope Hanging Bridges.
Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge, Northern Ireland.

Most Dangerous Bridges In The World: Rope Hanging Bridges.
Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge, Northern Ireland.

Most Dangerous Bridges In The World: Rope Hanging Bridges.
Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge, Northern Ireland.

Most Dangerous Bridges In The World: Rope Hanging Bridges.
Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge, Northern Ireland.

Most Dangerous Bridges In The World: Rope Hanging Bridges.
Aiguille du Midi at the Mont Blanc Mountain, France.

Most Dangerous Bridges In The World: Rope Hanging Bridges.
Loboc Hanging Bridge, Philippines.

Most Dangerous Bridges In The World: Rope Hanging Bridges.
Loboc Hanging Bridge, Philippines.

Most Dangerous Bridges In The World: Rope Hanging Bridges.
Loboc Hanging Bridge, Philippines.

Most Dangerous Bridges In The World: Rope Hanging Bridges.
Taman Negara National Park Bridge, Malaysia.
That’s the world’s longest Canopy Walkway.

Most Dangerous Bridges In The World: Rope Hanging Bridges.
Taman Negara National Park Bridge, Malaysia.
That’s the world’s longest Canopy Walkway.

Most Dangerous Bridges In The World: Rope Hanging Bridges.
Taman Negara National Park Bridge, Malaysia.
That’s the world’s longest Canopy Walkway.

Most Dangerous Bridges In The World: Rope Hanging Bridges.
Hanging Bridge of Ghasa in Nepal.

Most Dangerous Bridges In The World: Rope Hanging Bridges.
Hanging Bridge of Ghasa in Nepal.

Most Dangerous Bridges In The World: Rope Hanging Bridges.
Hanging Bridge of Ghasa in Nepal.

Most Dangerous Bridges In The World: Rope Hanging Bridges.
Hanging Bridge of Ghasa in Nepal.

Most Dangerous Bridges In The World: Rope Hanging Bridges.
Siju Hanging Bridge, India.

Most Dangerous Bridges In The World: Rope Hanging Bridges.
Some Hanging Bridge in India.

Most Dangerous Bridges In The World: Rope Hanging Bridges.
Hanging Bridge at Thenmala, India.

Most Dangerous Bridges In The World: Rope Hanging Bridges.
Just some bridge in Philippines.

Most Dangerous Bridges In The World: Rope Hanging Bridges.
Repovesi nature park Valkeala, Finland.

Most Dangerous Bridges In The World: Rope Hanging Bridges.
Arenal Hanging Bridges, Costa Rica.
A three kilometer hike through the Costa Rican rain forest. There are six suspension bridges, with the largest one at just under 100 meters long and 45 meters off the ground.

Most Dangerous Bridges In The World: Rope Hanging Bridges.
Arenal Hanging Bridges, Costa Rica.

Most Dangerous Bridges In The World: Rope Hanging Bridges.
Hanging Bridge in Drake Bay, Costa Rica.

Most Dangerous Bridges In The World: Rope Hanging Bridges.
Hanging bridge in Bohol, Philippines.

Most Dangerous Bridges In The World: Rope Hanging Bridges.
Hanging bridge in Bohol, Philippines.

Most Dangerous Bridges In The World: Rope Hanging Bridges.
Kambadaga, a village near Pita.

Most Dangerous Bridges In The World: Rope Hanging Bridges.
Hanging Bridge at Trift Glacier, Switzerland.

Most Dangerous Bridges In The World: Rope Hanging Bridges.
Kakum National Park Canopy Walkway.

Most Dangerous Bridges In The World: Rope Hanging Bridges.
Kakum National Park Canopy Walkway.

Most Dangerous Bridges In The World: Rope Hanging Bridges.
Kakum National Park Canopy Walkway.


1 comment:

  1. Nice list! I've actually been one of these but there's no way I'd go on the one in Pakistan!
