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Durga Gayatri Mantra

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Durga Gayatri Mantra
The Durga Gayatri is a variation of the Gayatri mantra designed to address Goddess Durga, particularly during the period of Durga Navaratri or Durga Puja. The Durga Gayatri adapts the 24-syllable metre of the original Gayatri to invoke the Goddess.

AUM kaatyaanaaya viddhamahe
kanyaakumaarii dhimahi
tanno durge prachodayaat

The three sandhyas (transition periods) of dawn, noon and dusk are appropriate times to chant the Durga Gayatri. According to tradition, 108 repetitions are recommended during each period of chanting. However, if one is constrained by time, this number may be reduced to any multiple of 9 (9, 18, etc.).

Meaning and Interpretation of Durga Gayatri:

AUM = the universal pranava mantra
kaatyaa-naaya = She who was born in the hermitage of Sage Kathyayana
vid-dhamahe = the omnipresent one
kanya-kumari = the one who is the "princess" among "girls"
dheemahi = give us the strength to meditate
tanno = we bow before you
durge = Goddess Durga, the inaccessible one
pracho-dayaat = give us blessings and inspiration.

1 comment:

  1. Hi divine brahmanda, why are you not updating your site regularly, Previously you are updating your site regularly now your are not doing the same. May I know why? What is the problem ? Are you busy with your other personal work? I request you please update you site regularly with Narendra Babu Sharma Guruji's Teaching. If you do so I am very grateful to you.
