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Sri Kanchi Kamakshi Ambal Temple, Kancheepuram Tamil Nadu - Shakti Peetha 02

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Sri Kanchi Kamakshi Ambal Temple, Kancheepuram Tamil Nadu - Shakti Peetha 02
Part of the body fallen : Back Part
Place : Kanchi or Kanchipuram or Kancheepuram (Tamil Nadu)
Name of Shakthi : Kamakshi Ambal
Ashta Dasha Shakti Peetha Slokam : Kamakshi Kanchika Pure

Kamakshi Amman temple is very near to the Ekambareshwar temple. This is one of the sacred Shakti peetams and the only Amman temple in Kanchipuram. The deity here is enshrined in a sitting posture with sugar cane in one hand, parrot, lotus and chakra in other. The deity here is the Parabrahama Swaroopini. A Sree Chakra has been installed in front of the deity by Adi Shankaracharya. In the inner prakarm there are many shrines dedicated to Varahi, Ayyapan, Anna poorni, and Adi Shankaracharya.
Kanchi is verily the City of Temples. Poems composed in the 2nd century refer to a shrine dedicated to the love goddess (Kamakshi – eyes of love). It is located in the city Kanchipuram near Chennai. It is associated with Adi Sankaracharya one of the greatest Hindu saints The current Kamakshi temple (Sri Kanchi Kamakshi Peetham Sri Kamakshi Ambal) was built by the Pallavas in the 8th century.

Sri Kanchi Kamakshi Ambal Temple, Kancheepuram Tamil Nadu - Shakti Peetha 02
Kamakshi Amman temple is in Kanchipuram. Kanchipuram is also called as Sathyavratha Kshetra. Kanchipuram is the Nabisthanam. Kamakshi Amman temple is at the heart of Kanchipuram. Kanchipuram is also famous for sarees. ADI KAMAKSHI TEMPLE IS PRESENT ON THE BACK SIDE OF THIS KAMAKSHI AMMAN TEMPLE. DO VISIT IT. Kamakshi Amman fulfills all our wishes through her eyes, So she is called as Kamakshi. Her eyes are full of kindness, love and affection. Many devotees feel some magic near her eyes, which could not be explained in words they are carried away by the kindness in her eyes.

Sri Kanchi Kamakshi Ambal Temple, Kancheepuram Tamil Nadu - Shakti Peetha 02
Sprawled in an area of 5 acres, the temple complex has one spire. The 'shikhar' (spire) housing the deity is covered wholly in gold. The spectacular view of the golden spire can be taken from the outer part. In order to enter the main shrine, four entrances have been made on all the four sides. The structural layout of the temple is quite elaborated. In the outer prakaram or part, there is a tank and numerous mandapams or halls like the 100 pillared hall, the dwajaarohana mandapam etc. Near the temple tank, various images of Lord Vishnu like Ninraan, Irundaan and Kidandaan are traceable. In the vicinity of the sanctum, there are several shrines dedicated to Ardhanareeswarar, Soundaryalakshmi, Kallar (who has been mentioned in the hymns of Tirumangaialwar) and Varaahi.

Sri Kanchi Kamakshi Ambal Temple, Kancheepuram Tamil Nadu - Shakti Peetha 02
Goddess Kamakshi is regarded as one of the incarnations of Goddess Parvati. As per the Hindu legend, Kamakshi made a Shivalingam out of the sand and offered worship to marry the great Lord Shiva. After a long duration of dedicated and devoted meditation to Lord Shiva, Lord Shiva appeared before her and married the Goddess Kamakshi, a divine form of Parvati. There are no traditional Parvati or Shakti shrines in the city of Kanchipuram, apart from this temple, which adds even more legend to this temple. In return, she got Lord Shiva as her husband. In the sanctum sanctorum, The Goddess Kamakshi is in a sitting posture in the temple. This posture is called the Padmasana posture. Goddess Kamakshi is depicted in a seated posture, which is also referred as Parabhrama Swarupini. The Padmasana posture is said to resemble a lotus. In the Yogic practice this resembles the form of meditation The Goddess holds a Sugarcane bow on her left upper arm and Lotus, Parrot in her right upper arm. The Goddess also has divine chakras called Pasa and Angusa in her arms.

Sri Kanchi Kamakshi Ambal Temple, Kancheepuram Tamil Nadu - Shakti Peetha 02
The Goddess also has a Chandraperai (a shape of moon like structure) in her forehead. The Goddess Kamakshi is situated in the middle of temple premises.
A Sri Chakram has been placed just before the image and due worship is offered to it. The ancient shrine of Kamakshi Amman is always associated with Adi Shankaracharya, the great saint of India. It is regarded that Goddess Kamakshi was initially an Ugra Swaroopini (Ruthless form of Shakti). Adi Shankaracharya placed a 'Chakra' before her and the goddess got personified as Shanta Swaroopini (Kind form of Shakti). The area is believed to comprise temples that have ruthless aspect of the Goddess, though Kamakshi Temple is an exception. Representing this, the image of the deity is taken out in procession at the time of festivals. It is said that the Goddess takes leave from Shankaracharya, at his shrine in the inner prakaram.

People consider a visit to her in full moon night bestows with all the riches they require.

Sri Kanchi Kamakshi Ambal Temple, Kancheepuram Tamil Nadu - Shakti Peetha 02

History & Legends:

Kamakshi Devi is Lalitha Devi. The glory of Kamakshi Devi is given in
1. Devimahatyam in Markandeya Puranam
2. Lalithopakyanam in Brahmanda Puranam
3. Sanathkumara Samihitha in Skanda Puranam
4. Kanchi Puranam

The letter “KA” represents Saraswati, ”MA” represents Lakshmi and “akshi” refers to the gracious eyes. Goddess Lakshmi and Saraswati are referred as the two eyes of Sri Kamakshi Amman deity.

“Sachamara Ramavani Savya Dhakshina Savethaa”
As said in the above Nama in Lalitha Sahasranamam, It is believed that in Kanchipuram Lakshmi Devi and Saraswathi Devi stand on either side of Kamakshi Devi and perform Vinjamara seva to Kamakshi Amman.
Kamakshi Devi temple is also called as Kamakoti as Kamakshi Devi gives much more than what we ask.

Sri Kanchi Kamakshi Ambal Temple, Kancheepuram Tamil Nadu - Shakti Peetha 02
Glory of Kamakshi Devi was said by many saints in many Slokas right from Krutayuga to Kaliyuga

1. Dhurvasa Maharishi in 2000 slokas - Krutayuga
2. In Tretayuga by Parasura in 1500 slokas
3. In Dwaparayuga by Dhaumya Rishi in 1000 slokas
4. In Kaliyuga by Sri Mooka Sankara in 500 slokas

Kamakshi Devi in Kanchipuram is in the form of Bilaakasam, Srichakra and as LalithaDevi with Arrows (Flowers) in her lower right hand, Ankusa in upper right hand, Bow (Sugarcane) in lower left hand, Pasa in upper left hand. Srichakra is present in front of the main deity. Any Pooja is first performed to Srichakra and then to main deity. Srichakram is installed by Adi Sankaracharya to pacify Kamakshi Devi.

Sri Kanchi Kamakshi Ambal Temple, Kancheepuram Tamil Nadu - Shakti Peetha 02
Rakshasa named Bandasura did severe penance for Lord Brahma and got several boons. He became very powerful and started troubling Devathas. Devathas urged Lord Siva for help. As Lord Siva knows only Sri BalaTripurasundari Devi has the power to kill Bandasura, he advised them to go to Kanchipuram through Bilamarga(tunnel), which is the safest place during Pralayam and pray for BalaTripurasundari Devi.

Devatha's came to Kanchipuram. They stayed in Kanchipuram in the disguise of parrots on a Champaka tree and prayed for BalaTripurasundari Devi. Goddess was pleased by their prayers and came out of a Bila in a very ferocious form with 8 hands, Chakra and 18 weapons and killed Bandasura, who is slepping in Kailasam.
She dragged the body of Bandasura from Kailasam to Kanchipuram and entered the Bilam in the form of a small girl. Devathas recognized the goddess and took their original identities, but were frightened to go near the goddess as she looked very ferocious. They all prayed her to calm down. She took the form of a beautiful young girl with all the ornaments and with a smile on her face. She ordered Devathas to burry the body of Bandasura in the ground and install a Jayastamba on it.

Sri Kanchi Kamakshi Ambal Temple, Kancheepuram Tamil Nadu - Shakti Peetha 02
Devathas buried Bandakasura as said by goddess. They built Gayatri Mandapam and did Avahana of the goddess in the form of a young girl on the Ratna Simhasana. Later they closed the doors and kept chanting Devi Slokas. They waited till next morning and then opened the doors. They wondered to see Lalitha Parameswari Devi in her nija roopa of Maha Tripurasundari with full of grace in her face, instead of the young girl. They Chanted Slokas in praise of her. She was pleased by their prayers and told she will be blessing every one coming here with her eyesight itself by the name of “Kamakshi Devi” .

She emerged as Swayumbu on Srimukha Nama year, Phalguna month, and when Ravi(sun) is in Kumba rasi, Krishnapaksha Thithi, Purvapalguni Nakshatram, Friday.
Devatha's wanted to do Patabishakam to MahaTripurasundari Devi. Viswakarma had sent Pallaki, Lord Brahma had sent pearl necklace, Lord Vishnu had sent Navaratna Kiritam, Lord Siva had sent Srichakra Pathakam made of all ratnas as gifts and decorated goddess with all ornaments and did Patabishekam. They urged her to stay here permanently.

Sri Kanchi Kamakshi Ambal Temple, Kancheepuram Tamil Nadu - Shakti Peetha 02
It is important to go to Swarna Kamakshi Mandiram after visiting Kamakshi Devi and not to do Sastanganamaskara in Gayatri Mandapam. We can see idol of Thundeera beside Vuschava Kamakshi. It seems as if he is in dyanam. Devootees pass by with out disturbing him. While crossing him devotees close their mouth by their hand (silence) as a sign of respect.

While Lord Siva was meditating, Parvati playfully covered his eyes for a moment. This resulted in the earth being covered with darkness for years. This angered Siva who cursed Parvati to go to earth and do severe penance. She came to earth and created the earth linga and worshiped it under a single (eka) mango tree in Kanchipuram. Siva sent different obstacles to test Parvati’s sincerity. When he sent a flood, she clasped to the linga so tightly that imprints were made on it.

Sri Kanchi Kamakshi Ambal Temple, Kancheepuram Tamil Nadu - Shakti Peetha 02
A beautiful maiden called Sati, who is also called Dakshayani; one of the daughters of Prasuti and Daksha, an ancient creator god, loved Shiva. But her father Daksha forbade her marriage to Shiva.
Daksha got revenge by performing Yajna without offering the first Prasada to Siva; he did not pay any attention to Sati, when she showed up for the Yajna. Sati declared to the assembled galaxy of gods, goddesses and Rsis that she was ashamed to own the body given to her by her father. She performed Tapas and the internal heat generated by the Tapas consumed her life. Having heard the death of Sati, Siva, in a fit of anger, pulled his matted lock and flung it on the ground and performed the dance of destruction (tandava nritya) with Sati’s dead body on his shoulder, in the form of Bhairava.

Sri Kanchi Kamakshi Ambal Temple, Kancheepuram Tamil Nadu - Shakti Peetha 02
From the fulgurant lock emerged a being, scraping the skies and heavens with a thousand arms, with three eyes shining like the sun, dark complexion like a rain clouds, fierce teeth, a garland of skulls, matted locks resembling ropes of fire, and a host of weapons at the ready. That was Virabhadra, a part manifestation of Siva in his fierce form, together with 7 other beings called Muneeswaras. They immediately sought and received their mission which is to annihilate Daksha and his sacrifice. Daksha met his death at the hands of Virabhadra.

Siva picked up the body of Sati and wandered all over the universe. Vishnu seeing Siva in such condition sent his discus, which cut the dead body of Sati into several pieces, which fell all over Indian subcontinent. Wherever the body parts fell, that ground became sacred. The back portion of Sati fell in Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, which became the sacred site of temple (Sakti Peetha) for her in the form of Sr Kamatchi Amman.

Sri Kanchi Kamakshi Ambal Temple, Kancheepuram Tamil Nadu - Shakti Peetha 02
Lord Vishnu came to know Lakshmi Devi was in Kanchipuram and came to Kanchipuram to see what’s happening there. He was surprised to see Soundarya Lakshmi Devi & forgot himself and continued to see her secretly. Lakshmi Devi noticed him. By seeing the support of Kamakshi Devi, Lakshmi Devi called Lord Vishnu as “THIEF”, “CHORA”, “KALVA” come near me. So Lord Vishnu here is called as CHORA PERUMAL.

Sri Kanchi Kamakshi Ambal Temple, Kancheepuram Tamil Nadu - Shakti Peetha 02

1. Sri Chakram in front of Kamakshi Amman.
2. Arupa Lakshmi Devi(on left of Kamakshi Amman).
3. Varahi(beside Lakshmi Devi on the left side).
4. Santhana Ganapathi(in front of Varahi)
5. Chora Perumal (on right side).
6. Soundarya Lakshmi (on right near Perumal).
7. Syamala Devi(Saraswati Devi)(on right side)

These all are present in inner Sanctum on either side of KAMAKSHI AMMAN GARBALAYAM(you can ask the priest to show you). You can only see them if you buy ticket for Abishekam or Sahasranamarchana otherwise you are not allowed into inner Sanctum.

Festivals: The annual temple festival(Brahmotsavam) takes place in the month of February. Navaratri is celebrated with grandeur every year. The Goddess Kamakshi is taken out on a procession within the temple precints every Friday evening on a Silver Chariot.

"Shyaaama kaanchana chandrikaa thribhuvane punyaathmanaamaanane Seemaashoonyakavithvavarshajananee yaa kaapi jaadhambhinee Maaraaraathi mano vimohanavi dhov kaachitthamaha kandhalee Kaamaakshyaaha karunaakataakshalaharee kaamaaya me kalpathaam"
This prayer to Goddess Kamakshi to get good education, poetic knowledge, music and all other wealth and success in life.

Temple Timings:

Temple timings: 5.30 am - 12 noon; 4.00 pm - 8.00 pm
(Fridays and Full moon days are considered very auspicious)
The temple is open for darshan on all full moon days at around 11.30 pm

Temple Address & Contact Info:

New No. 6, Old No. 144/A,
Kamakshi Amman Sannathi Street ,
Big Kanchipuram - 631502

Tel : 044-27222609 ; +91 - 044 27 233433 - 2722 1214
Mobile: Kannan - +91 - 96262 72525 ; Syama - +91 - 98436 32411 ; Gopi - +91 - 98948 76787 ; Karthik - +91 - 98948 89191


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