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Interactive Conversation Between Swamy Velukkudi Krishnan & Mr. Cho Ramaswamy (Contd..) - Sri Ramanin Padhaiyil

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Interactive Conversation Between Swamy Velukkudi Krishnan & Mr. Cho Ramaswamy (Contd..) - Sri Ramanin Padhaiyil
This post is continuation of previous article on Interactive Conversation Between Swamy Velukkudi Krishnan & Mr. Cho Ramaswamy

How can we believe Ravana had 10 heads, Monkeys spoke and had mighty powers in them?
Even today few people live up to 140-150 years. When we see few things which is beyond what we think as common/usual, then we take it has abnormal. There were days where these abnormal things were common/usual. There are few theories which states we human beings were much taller those days and we have become shorter now. Our physical strength was very good those days, this can be understood by noticing our grandfathers physical strength who are much stronger and healthier than us in their sixties. From this we can see that we are decreased in height and strength. There are chances of people being different those days from what we are today. We have heard that these people had the power to fly, but we cannot fly individually today. But we can fly with the help of gliders and airplanes. On seeing bird's flying we have invented many kind of airplanes, flights, supersonic-type planes etc. which are similar to Pushpaka Vimana in the epic Ramayana. The 'Astra' and 'Sastra' (Weapons) used in the war of Ramayana or Mahabharata are very much similar to the missiles which we use today. Hence, the concept and purpose of this is same in those days and even today, but it only differs in its form. So, we need to accept and agree that monkeys had mighty powers in them.

Have you found any inscriptions or engravings on stones (Kalvettu) related to Ramayana?
You will find inscriptions related to Mahabharata which was held in the end of Dwapara Yuga (Bronze Age) and close to Kali Yuga (Iron Age). Researchers/Archaeologists have also found inscriptions related to Mahabharata in the place called Dwaraka. But Ramayana was held one Yuga before that of Mahabharata. We have not found any inscriptions related to Ramayana in Ayodya. No research is going on Temples related to Ramayana regarding was it built in the period of Ramayana. The books related to Ramayana gives us information on the presence of Lord Rama in that places and if we follow the directions given in the book we are able to locate the places even today. Most of the information is passed on from person to person by oral communication. We have many books and research documents which was undertaken 1000, 3000 and 5000 years ago related to Ramayana and we can find all these places in that books and research documents. Hence, we need to accept this.

How did you select the participants and manage this huge group?
We had around 10000 members registered in Kinchitkaram Trust. It was announced through the Trust, within 2 to 3 days of announcement the registration of 600 participants was completed. We cannot take the participants beyond certain number because we have issues in accommodation, food, travel etc. hence it is fixed to limited number. To Manage this huge group we formed a group with volunteers named Yatri Seva Group to take care of their health, food, accommodation, mode of travel etc. This Yatri Seva Group has many sub groups which was divided based on the activity they have to carry on like arranging accommodation, food etc.
If we plan to visit a destination first, two days earlier Group A volunteers will reach that location and see to that all the needs and requirements of the participants of Yatra is arranged and kept ready. Next when we move to second destination, Group B Volunteers will make all the arrangements two days earlier And Group A volunteers will reach third destination to make all the preparations before we arrive and Group B will reach the fourth destination as soon as we leave the respective destinations. This cycle was continued for all the destinations. This planning and preparations made our journey comfortable.

For sure, all would have been satisfied, but will they all remember?
They will sure remember Lord Rama, Hanuman and divine experience and memories which they got through this Yatra.

Do we have Upanyasam (narrating stories from epics and puranas) everyday?
Yes, we had Upanyasam and Sargam Parayanam everyday in the respective places where the incident related to the Sargam is said to be happened. We had completed parayanam of entire Ramayana within 22 days of Yatra. We had many weird experiences in this entire journey.

Have you planned to do this Yatra again?
Yes, sure we can do this Yatra again. But we should all have one thought i.e. we should think that we are Karuvi (tool) and not the Karta (Executor). We should think in such a way that we are just a tool and it is driven by Lord Rama. With this thought, all can participate irrespective of age, gender, profession, passion, rich, poor etc.

Explanation on 10 Headed Ravana?
While here, the body often desires riches and beautiful objects. The 10 heads of Ravana symbolizes the five sense organs and the five motor (or cognitive) organs of the human body described in the Vedas. Ravana's heads symbolize the tendencies of our mind. Kama (lust), Krodha (anger), Moha (delusion), Lobha (Greed), Mada (pride), Maatsarya (Envy), Manas (the mind), Buddhi (intellect), Chitta (Will) and Ahamkara (the Ego) - these ten constituted his ten heads. Our mind is clever and powerful like Ravana and can be demonic like him, too. It is related to Kumbhakarna, the embodiment of gluttony and sloth. It is related to Vibhishana, too, the part of our mind which leaves behind its demonic origin to take the side of the good.

Our mind has many 'heads' and it is not possible to kill them one at a time, for the moment one head is removed another takes its place. We have to remove all the tendencies of the mind at one go and overcome the mind in order to regain our divine place.
Ravana didn't have control over his five senses and five bodily instruments of action. Ravana was said to be occupied by these negative feelings which led to his destruction.

What was the duration of this Yatra?
Total number of days required to cover this Yatra is 22 days. People from all corners of India participated in this Yatra. People from Bangalore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata took respective trains individually and got accumulated in common place - Bithoor, Kanpur. From here we started the Yatra reaching all the destinations and finally ending it in Srirangam. From Srirangam all the participants left to there respective home towns.

Why is Ramayanam always ended with Pattabhishekam, ignoring Uttara Ramayanam?
All the information in Uttara Ramayanam is also very true. We should accept all the information in it. Information on Lava Kusa singing, Lord Rama leaving the earth, Birth of Lord Hanuman is available in it. Since Pattabhishekam is an happy event, we end up with it. More over, one cannot accept Sita leaving Lord Rama and it is difficult to accept and hence it is not included in the Parayanam. Uttara Ramayanam, irrespective of its popularity, it has many great information in it.

Lord Rama's advice to Guru Vashistha?
Lord Rama had learnt from by various Rishi/Guru's. He has advised Guru's like Vashistha, Vishvamitra and even His mother Kausalya.
He listens to all Rishi's and at times he advises them too. Clouds take the water from the sea and it filters it and gives it back as rain. Sometimes it rains in the same sea where it took the water. From the Sea called Vashistha or Vishvamitra, the cloud Lord Rama takes all the advises and then filters it and pours it back to them with much more values in it.


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