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Sanatana Dharma, Brahmavartam, Brahma's Family Tree - Sri Ramanin Padhaiyil

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Sanatana Dharma, Brahmavartam, Brahma's Family Tree - Sri Ramanin Padhaiyil
Now lets see Why was Epic Ramayana born?
To know this, we should known the term "Sanatana Dharmam". We will go through short introduction on Sanatana Dharmam below.

Sanatana Dharma: The two words, "Sanatana Dharma", come from the ancient Sanskrit language. "Sanatana" is a Sanskrit word that denotes Anadhi (beginningless), Anantha (endless) and does not cease to be, that which is eternal and everlasting. With its rich connotations, Dharma is not translatable to any other language. Dharma is from dhri, meaning to hold together, to sustain. Its approximate meaning is "Natural Law," or those principles of reality which are inherent in the very nature and design of the universe. Thus the term Sanatana Dharma can be roughly translated to mean "the natural, ancient and eternal way."

Sanatana Dharma is anadhi (without beginning) and also a-paurusheya (without a human founder). Also it is as old as the Universe (14 billion years Old) itself or perhaps still older. There is in fact no timeline associated with it.

Sanatana Dharma is of two kinds :
01. Siddha Dharmam.
02. Sadhya Dharmam.

Paramatma, the Para Brahmam i.e GOD is the Siddha Dharmam, who exists already. The means of worship, yajna, yaagams, pooja, pooja procedures, aradhana done by us to Him are the Sadhya Dharmam. These are to be done by us. The Maharishis referred Lord Rama as Siddha Dharmam with the statement "Raamo Vigrahavan Dharma: Sadhu: Satya Parakrama:".

Sanatana Dharmam gives us knowledge on Lord Rama through Siddha Dharma and means of worshiping Lord Rama through Sadhya Dharma.
Vedantams will lead us to Siddha Dharma. Vedams will lead us to Sadhya Dharma.
The Vedas are mainly classified as the Rig Veda, the Yajur Veda, the Sama Veda and the Atharva Veda. Further we have Upanishads known as Vedanta like Isa, Kena, Katha, Prasna, Mundaka, Mandukya, Taittiriya, Brhadaranyaka, Aitareya and Supreme Chandogya. Vedantam will tell us about the GOD and Vedam will tell us about the means of worshiping Him. These two are not sufficient, we need something more than these. It is like, reading Theory is not sufficient, we need to do practical sessions in laboratory to understand it better.

For this purpose, Lord Brahma himself created Smriti's to describe Vedams in more detail and created Itihasa - Puranas (historical event & Legends) to describe Vedantams in more detail. We have two Itihasa's which are Mahabharata and Ramayana. We have 18 Puranas which are: Vishnu Purana, Naradiya Purana, Bhagavat Purana, Garuda Purana, Padma Purana, Brahma Purana, Varaha Purana, Brahmanda Purana, Brahma-Vaivarta Purana, Markandeya Purana, Bhavishya Purana, Vamana Purana, Matsya Purana, Kurma Purana, Linga Purana, Shiva Purana, Skanda Purana and Agni Purana.

Vedantam, Vedams, Smritis, Itihasa Puranagal - all these put together is Sanathana Dharma. The root or starting seed for all these is greatest Bithoor, which is also known as Brahmavartam.

Itihasa Puranabhyan Vedam Samupabrinhayet, bibhetyalpashrutadvedo Mamayam Pratarishyati - This is Ancient Sloka.
Vedams are the only way to know GOD. The things in front of our eyes can be known by seeing it, fruits can be known by tasting it, flowers can be known by its fragrance likewise we can know and understand all the things that can be sensed by our sense organs: vision, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. But how will we come to know about the objects, which is not possible to be sensed by sense organs like Atma (Soul), Why am I born in this birth with ups and downs?, Why am I like this?. From where will we get answers for these type of questions and from where will we come to know about Paramatman (God) - creator, caretaker and destroyer. Hence, the thing which cannot be reached by our senses can only be understood by the means of Vedams.

Vedams will not repeat the same thing again and again. Vedams will not teach the things, which is already known to us. Vedams will not speak on the things which can be sensed by our sense organs. Vedams will always speak on the things which are new and not known to us. Since it has to speak on new things, it wont speak against the truth and it is real. Also Vedams does not speak against things which we are already aware of through our senses. For example: We know that this is stone, this is mountain, this is sky etc.

Vedantam speaks about Lord Sri Rama and Vedams speaks about the way to worship Lord Sri Rama. When we combine these two i.e. Vedantam and Vedam we get Sri Ramanin Padhayil. To bring all these into practice, we require Itihasa Puranas through Vedantams.

Sanatana Dharma, Brahmavartam, Brahma's Family Tree - Sri Ramanin Padhaiyil
Lord Brahma is the creator of Vedams, which He describes through his four faces. Brahma is self-born out of a lotus flower which grew from the navel of Vishnu.


Now lets see the ancestral Family Tree of Lord Brahma, from which we will know the greatness of Bithoor and how it is connected to Lord Brahma. Bithoor is the place where Lord Brahma kept his first foot steps when he came down to earth. Hence Bithoor is also called as Brahmavarta.


Brahma, the first created Being, who emerged from the lotus navel of Perumal was assigned the task of creating the world as per Lord’s instructions. Brahma with his powers summoned Ganges to appear at this place before starting his job of creation. Hence it is known as Brahmavrat theerth and is considered to be the holiest. This place is considered to be the center of the world. Regular puja is offered to Brahma’s Thiruvadi (toe) at this place. There is no separate idol for Brahma. These details are displayed on a board near the sannidhi.

Brahma's Family Tree:
Brahma started creation, starting from Swayambhu Manu (You would have heard about this in Bhagavata Purana).
Swayambhu Manu gave birth to two sons - Priyvratan and Uttanpadan.
Uttanapada's son was the great Dhruvan.
Dhruvan's son Angan.
Angan's son Venan.
Venan's son Prithu Maharaja.
Prithu Maharaja's son Pracheena Barhi.
Pracheena Barhi gave birth to Prachetas.
Prachetas son is Valmiki Muni.

From Lord Brahma, Sage Valmiki is 9th generation. Lord Brahma is connected with Bithoor. Even Sage Valmiki is connected with Bithoor. From Brahma till Valmiki 9 generations have been in Bithoor.

Brahma creates Vashishta. Vashista is a manasputra of God Brahma.
Vasishta's son Shakti.
Shakti's son Parashara.
Parashara's son Veda Vyasa. The author of the great epic Mahabharata.
Veda Vyasa's son Sukacharya. The one who spreads Bhagavata Purana.

Importance of Bithoor:
The great epic ”Ramayana” was written by Valmiki Maharishi at this place.

The twin sons of Sri Rama - Lava and Kusha were born here.

Mahalakshmi Thayar who manifested as “Sitadevi” ascended to Vaikuntam from this place after handing over HER sons Lava and Kusha to Sri Rama.

Brahma who emerged from the lotus navel of the Lord meditated upon the Lord, undertook the assigned job of creation starting from Swayambhu Manu from this place. This is the first created place by Brahma. Hence this place is known as “Brahmavrat kshetram”, the reference of this place can be found at many places in Srimad Bhagavatam.

Message: We can understand the things only through Vedas and Itihasa Puranas, which cannot be sensed by our sense organs. The way to worship GOD is also mentioned in it. Hence we should be proud and respect these Vedas and Itihasa Puranas.


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