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Ram Lalla, Lord Rama Janana Sargam, Purpose of Lord Rama's Avatar - Sri Ramanin Padhayil

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Ram Lalla, Lord Rama Janana Sargam - Sri Ramanin Padhayil
Ayodhya is Lord Rama's Janma Bhoomi, when we say this our heart flows into bliss. This place is famously known as "Ram Lalla". Lord Rama of the fabled Ramayana lived in Treta Yuga. The ancient city of Ayodhya is said to be in very large scale with huge palaces and structures in it. But now it is shrunken to small town. Cell phones, Cameras and electronic devices are not allowed in the complex of Ram Janma Bhoomi. Let us take this in good sense because if we carry electronic gadgets inside the temple, our attention and concentration will be in it only, not in the Lord. Hence, it is better to avoid it and focus only on the Lord. You can find many shops around Ram Janma Bhoomi selling stuffs like music, video CD's related to Lord Rama. In this Yatra, respective time was assigned for shopping. We should not ask for materialistic things related to this world in Lord. We should ask for mukthi, bhakthi and knowledge in Lord. All devotees walk through a metal detector and are patted down for complete check. Probably the checking is done to check, for what purpose are we entering inside.

Ram Lalla:

Ram lalla (Ram as an infant / Ram lalla virajman / Ram lalla birajman) is the incarnation of Hindu God Vishnu's avatar Rama as an infant (lalla), the presiding deity at the temple of Janam bhoomi (Birthplace Temple) at Ayodhya, India.

Ram Lalla
Ram Lalla
One can have darshan of Lord Rama located in temporary shelter, from a distance of 30-40 feet. Small idols of Bharathan, Lakshman, Shatrughna, Dasharatha can be found here, which has been here for many ages.

Let us recite the 18th chapter of Bala Kandam of Lord Rama's birth, in Ram Janma Bhoomi. We celebrate Rama Navami with serving Panakam (Spiced Jaggery Water) and Neer Mor (Buttermilk), which is Lord Rama's favourite dishes. When it comes to Krishna Jayanthi, we prepare variety of payasams, sweets and snacks etc. It is said that as Lord Kannan was a kid, different kind of dishes are prepared for Him. Whereas Lord Rama was an King, hence limited dishes are prepared for Him.

Lord Rama Janana Sargam:

tatah ca dvaadashe maase chaitre naavamike tithau

nakshatre aditi daivatye svaccha samstheshu panchasu
graheshu karkate lagne vaakpataa vindu naasaha

prodyamaane jagannaatham sarva loka namaskritam
kausalyaa ajanayat raamam divya laksana samyutam

visnoh ardham mahaabhaagam putram aixvaaku nandanam
lohitaaksham mahaabaahum raktostam dundubhi svanam

kausalyaa shushubhe tena putrena amita tejasaa
yathaa varena devaanaam aditih vajra paaninaa

bharato naama kaikeyyaam jagne satya paraakramah
saaksaat visnoh caturtha bhaagah sarvaih samudito gunaih

atha laxmana shatrughnau sumitraa ajanayat sutau
viirau sarva astra kushalau visnoh ardha samanvitau

pushye jaatah tu bharato meena lagne prasanna dhih
saarpe jaatau tu saumitri kulire abhyudite ravau

Lord Rama's horoscope
Lord Rama's horoscope
Sun (Surya) occupying the medium coeli (middle of heaven) the 10th house of Aries (Mesha Rashi) from the ascendant or lagna. Mars (Angarakan) exalted in Capricorn (Makara Rashi). Jupiter (Guru) in Cancer (Kataka Rasi), with this excellent positions Lord Rama was born in Thithi being Navami, under the star Punarvasu Nakshatra, in the Tamil month of Chithirai.

Bharatha took birth in Pushya Nakshatra and being born in Meena Lagna.

The twin brothers Lakshmana and Shatrugna were born in the star Aayilyam (Ashlesha).

When we go on spiritual pilgrimage to northern parts of India, we don't find sculptures, gopurams (monumental tower, usually ornate, at the entrance of temple), idols, lot of uthsavas (festival or celebration or any joyous occasion), variety of flower garlands, different types of prasadams (food sanctified by the Lord), which are all the prominent features of the Hindu temples located in South India. One can get only one kind of darshan of Lord, which is same from morning to evening in North India. But in South India, we perform vasanthotsavam, pavitrotsavam, brahmotsavam, teppotsavam etc.

All this kind of Uthsavas are not available in North India. You can have the darshan of Lord in the form of idols. In a day roughly around six kind of Arathi's like Sayana Arati, Mangala Arati, Bhoga Arati, Raj Bhog Arati etc. are offered to Lord. We should not anticipate all that which is there in south India like uthasavas and other pooja methods in North India. Ram Janma bhoomi is believed to be the birthplace of Lord Rama and arriving at this place itself will help us in getting rid of all our sins. Taking holy dip in Sarayu River at Ayodhya, will also wash our sins. We should build this kind of notion in our hearts. This is one of the important factor to be considered during the spiritual yatra.

When we go on yatra, we should perform Dhanam (Donations/Charity) wherever possible. Because, performing Dhanam at Punya Kshetram (Sacred Places) has many fold benefits.

We have many places in Ayodhya like Bharatha Bhavan, Kaikeyi Bhavan, Lakshman Bhavan, Kanaka Bhavan etc. A question might arise in us - Are these the accurate place where Lakshman, Kaikeyi lived? Can it be proved?
The answer for this is: it might be or may not. Few places might have changed since many years have passed. But it is sure that, they all lived in the holy city of Ayodhya. If there is a sage in a place, his lustre will be felt for miles like how a flower blossoms and its fragrance is spread everywhere. Likewise Ayodhya city is filled with the fragrance Lord Rama. We can find many sadhus in Ayodhya performing Sri Rama Nama Japa and parikrama. Raga means "attachment", "passion", or "desire". Absence of Raga is known as Viraga i.e. dispassionateness, absence of desire, destruction of passions. The term "Bairagi" indicates 'anyone unattached to the world or devoid of passion' (one who is without passion or desire). Bharathan, brother of Sri Rama is an fine example for Bairagi.

Purpose of Lord Rama's Avatar: An avatara is the descent of God that leads to the ascent of man. The word, ‘avatara’ in Sanskrit means ‘descent.’ Avataras are meant to protect the virtuous and to inculcate moral values in us. The purpose of this incarnation was not only to kill the demon Ravana but mainly to demonstrate the qualities of a good son, brother, husband, son-in-law, king, father, and a friend. All these code of conduct were not followed in Treta Yuga. Now in Kali Yuga all these qualities are in bad shape, hence it is more essential and relevant to know about Ramayana now. There is a powerful message in every verse of the Ramayana, and those who understand the secrets and apply them in their life, they will be walking in the footsteps of Lord Rama, and leading a blissful life. Ramayana tells about devotion, loyalty, family roles, respect to elders, and teaches us how to live a perfect life. Ramayana teaches us how honest and dedicated we should be in our relationships, how father and son should behave towards each other; how brothers should live together; how pure and faithful the lives of husband and wife should be; what are the duties of a king and his subjects.

Purpose of Lord Bharathan's Avatar: We should do the nithya karmas for following Bhagwan's words as a kainkaryam (dedicated service) to him and not as a upayam or the path to attain moksha (mukthi). Here we have to remember what Bharatha, Sri Rama's brother did were kainkaryam to Sri Rama. Bharatha did kainkaryam by acting according to Perumal's (Lord Sri Rama) words. So listening to what he says and doing things accordingly (parathantriyam) is considered to be a great kainkaryam. The purpose of Bharatha's avatar was to do service as per the wish of Lord Rama.

Purpose of Lord Lakshmanan's Avatar: The purpose of Lakshmana's avatar was only to serve serve serve i.e. to serve lord Rama by all the means - body, mind, language etc. This was the only intention of Lakshmanan.

Purpose of Lord Shatrughnan's Avatar: The purpose of Shatrughna's Avatar was to serve the Devotees of the Lord Sri Rama. Hence, he did all kind of thondu (services) to Bharatha.


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