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Malyavanta Raghunath Temple, Kishkinda, Hampi - Sri Ramanin Padhayil

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Malyavanta Raghunath Temple:

After Vali was killed, before finding the traces of Mother Sita, Lord Ram had stayed here for doing chaturmasya (waited till the monsoon season gets over). The main temple is made up single stone and other temple structure was made by carvings. The are dieties of Ram, Sita, Laxman, Hanuman and murties of Srivaishnava acharyas. The speciality of the deity is that Lord Ram is in the feeling separation from mother Sita instead of standard form of holding bow and arrow in His hands.

Hanuman conveyed Sita’s whereabouts to Rama. Rama was very worried about Sita, so he asked Hanuman to visit her in Lanka. He also asked Hanuman to assure Sita, that he will free her from Ravana’s exile. Hanuman started his journey towards Lanka (now Sri Lanka).

Hanuman travelled down south and reached the southern sea (Indian Ocean). Crossing the huge ocean to reach Lanka was a challenge for Hanuman. Hanuman used his power to take a gargantuan form and made a colossal leap across the sea and reached Lanka. Ravana was a rich king and so was his kingdom. Hanuman was captivated by the beauty of Lanka.

Malyavan Raghunath Temple
Malyavan Raghunath Temple
Malyavan Raghunath Temple
Malyavan Raghunath Temple
Malyavan Raghunath Temple
Malyavan Raghunath Temple
Malyavan Raghunath Temple
Malyavan Raghunath Temple
Malyavan Raghunath Temple
Malyavan Raghunath Temple
Malyavan Raghunath Temple
Malyavan Raghunath Temple
Malyavan Raghunath Temple
Malyavan Raghunath Temple
Malyavan Raghunath Temple
Malyavan Raghunath Temple
Malyavan Raghunath Temple
Malyavan Raghunath Temple
Malyavan Raghunath Temple
Hanuman located Sita in Ashoka Vatika. Hanuman once again used his powers to take a tiny form so that he can escape from Ravana’s soldiers. He approached Sita and said “Jai Siya Ram” (Hail Rama and Sita). Sita was astonished to see such a small figure and was scared at the first sight of Hanuman. She asked his identity, and Hanuman told the entire story about his meeting with Rama, and Sugriva. Hanuman gave Rama’s ring (as evidence) to Sita and told her that he had come to rescue her. Sita took the ring and started crying, but she refused Hanuman’s offer (on the ground that Rama’s honor was at stake and that he should come and rescue her). Sita gave Hanuman her chudamani (hair ornament) and asked Hanuman to let Rama know that she was doing fine. This incident is said to have taken place in Malyavanta Raghunath Mandir. Sri Rma is extremely pleased with Hanuman’s devotion and hugs him for bringing back promising news about Sita piratti.

Malyavan Raghunath Temple
Malyavan Raghunath Temple
Malyavan Raghunath Temple
Malyavan Raghunath Temple
Cleft in the rocks near the Cave, filled with water; it was created by Lakshmanji by firing an arrow at the rock. It never dries up. This was the main water source for Sri Rama & him. Note the Sivalingams carved parallel to the cleft for worship of the holy water/cleft.

This temple, located on the Malyavanta hill, has a prakara with a large five storeyed gopura on the south, and a small three-storeyed gopura on the east. The gopuras lead to the open-courtyard containing the Swami and Amman sanctum a Vijayanagara style kalyanamandapa at the south-west corner and other mandapas. The main sanctum faces east and has usual side porches and garbhagriha and antarala enclosed by a covered prakara with plain exterior walls. The Swami sanctum is a tritala vimana with a circular sikhara.

The garbhagriha and antarala walls are attached to the large natural boulder on which are carved seated images with kneeling Hanuman and standing Lakshmana, all cut almost in the round. The image of kama has the right hand on the chest with fingers turned inwards. The Amman shrine to the left of the main sanctum is a tritala vimana with sala-sikhara oriented north-south. The ardhamandapa of the Amman shrine has a two-storeyed subshrine facing south and roofed by a sala-sikhara oriented east-west.

Upanyasam: Vali was killed and Sugriva became the king of Kishkindha. Soon after Sugriva took over the kingdom of Vali, he ordered his army to proceed in the search of Sita.

Rama specially called Hanuman and gave his ring saying, "If any one finds Sita, it will be you Hanuman. Keep this ring to prove your identity as my messenger. Give it to Sita when you meet her." Hanuman most respectfully tied up the ring to his waist and joined the search party.

As Sita flew, she dropped her ornaments on the ground. These were traced by the monkey army and it was concluded that Sita was carried southwards. When the monkey (Vanara) army reached the Mahendra Hill, located on the south shore of India, they met Sampati, the brother of Jatayu. Sampati confirmed that Ravana took Sita to Lanka. The monkeys were perplexed , how to cross the huge sea that stretched in front of them.

Angada, the son of Sugrive, asked, "Who can cross the ocean?" silence prevailed, until Hanuman came up to give a try.

Hanuman was the son of Pavana, the wind god. He had a secret gift from his father. He could fly. Hanuman enlarged himself to a huge size and took a jump to cross the ocean. After overcoming many obstacles, at last Hanuman reached Lanka. He soon contracted his body and alighted as a tiny insignificant creature. He soon passed through the city unnoticed and managed to enter the palace quietly. He went through every chamber but could not see Sita.

Finally, Hanuman located Sita in one of the gardens of Ravana, called Ashoka grove (Vana). She was surrounded by the Rakshashis who were guarding her. Hanuman hid on a tree and watched Sita from a distance. She was in deep distress, crying and praying to God for her relief. Hanuman's heart melted in pity. He took Sita as his mother.

Just then Ravana entered the garden and approached Sita. "I have waited enough. Be sensible and become my queen. Rama can not cross the ocean and come through this impregnable city. You better forget about him."

Sita sternly replied, "I have repeatedly told you to return me to Lord Rama before his wrath falls upon you."

Ravana got furious, "You have gone beyond the limits of my patience. You give me no choice than to kill you unless you change your mind. Within a few days I shall be back."

As soon as Ravana left, other Rakshashis, who were attending Sita, came back and suggested her to marry Ravana and enjoy the enviable wealth of Lanka." Sita kept quiet.

Slowly the Rakshashis wandered away, Hanuman came down from his hiding place and gave Rama's ring to Sita. Sita was thrilled. She wanted to hear about Rama and Lakshmana. After conversing for a while Hanuman asked Sita to take a ride on her back to return to Rama. Sita did not agree.

"I do not want to return home secretly" said Sita, "I want Rama to defeat Ravana and take me back with honor."

Hanuman agreed. Then Sita gave her necklace to Hanuman as an evidence confirming their meeting.

Before departing from the Ashoka grove (Vana), Hanuman wanted Ravana to have a lesson for his misconduct. So he began to destroy the Ashoka grove by uprooting the trees. Soon the Rakshasa warriors came running to catch the monkey but were beaten up. The message reached Ravana. He was enraged. He asked Indrajeet, his able son, to capture Hanuman. A fierce battle ensued and Hanuman was finally captured when Indrajeet used the most powerful weapon, the Brahmastra missile. Hanuman was taken to Ravana's court and the captive stood in front of the king.

Hanuman introduced himself as the messenger of Rama. "You have abducted the wife of my all powerful master, Lord Rama. If you want peace, return her with honor to my master or else, you and your kingdom will be destroyed."

Ravana was wild with rage. He ordered to kill Hanuman instantly when his younger brother Vibhishana objected. "You can not kill a king's envoy" said Vibhishana. Then Ravana ordered Hanuman's tail to be set on fire.

The Rakshasa army took Hanuman outside the hall, while Hanuman increased his size and lengthened his tail. It was wrapped with rags and ropes and soaked in oil. He was then paraded through the streets of Lanka and a big mob followed to have fun. The tail was set on fire but because of his divine blessing Hanuman did not feel the heat. He soon shrank his size and shook off the ropes that bound him and escaped. Then, with the torch of his burning tail, he jumped from roof to roof to set the city of Lanka on fire. People began to run, creating chaos and hideous cries. Finally, Hanuman went to the sea shore and put off the fire in the sea water. The he began his homeward flight.

When Hanuman joined the monkey army and narrated his experience, they all laughed. Soon the army returned to Kishkindha.

Then Hanuman quickly went to Rama to give his first-hand account. He took out the jewel that Sita gave and placed it in Rama's hands. Rama burst into tears when he saw the jewel.

He addressed Hanuman and said, "Hanuman! You have achieved what none else could. What can I do for you?" Hanuman prostrated before Rama and sought his divine blessing.


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