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Ajna Chakra or Third Eye Chakra - Sixth Energy Center

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Ajna Chakra or Third Eye Chakra - Sixth Energy Center
Chakra : Brow
Location : Between eyebrows — center of brow
Gland : Pituitary
Areas of Body : Lower brain, eyes, nose, nervous system
Function : Intuition, Visioning, Imagination, Higher knowing

Ajna Chakra or Third Eye Chakra - Sixth Energy Center
The Ajna Chakra or the third eye chakra is called the center of Christ consciousness. This chakra, located between the eyebrows is the center for forgiveness. The energy in this chakra represents psychic power, emotional intelligence and intuition.

A well-balanced Ajna Chakra endows the person with a keen observation of thoughts and feelings as also a sense of detachment in thoughts and feelings. There is certain charisma about the person who experiences the positive energy from this chakra. Additionally, the person embodies qualities of truth, clarity, non-attachment to material possessions, focus, and constancy.

When the energy flow in the chakra faces impediments, then it reflects as non-assertive tendencies, a lack of focus and vision making the person indisciplined, proud and even manipulative.

Highlights of Ajna Chakra

It has 96 petals.

It radiates the color emerald green

Parts of the body influenced by the sixth chakra are pineal, pituitary, brain, eyes, ears, and nose.

Gemstones that benefit this chakra are emerald, jade, and diamond.

Identity and Effects of Meditation
One who meditates on this chakra and stops the downward flow of this amrita, or nectar--by performing khechari mudra (*khe*, the ether; *chari*, "moving")--becomes immortal in this physical body. He is able to stop the process of aging, and thus he remains ever young and full of vitality and stamina. He obtains victory over disease, decay, and death, and enjoys eternal bliss through the union of Shiva and Shakti--the ultimate goal of Kundalini yoga.

Khechari mudra enhances the upward flow of energy, and the yogi is able to stay in Gagana Mandala, or Shunya Mandala, "the void", that is the hollow space between the twin hemispheres, which is known as the tenth gate of the body. It is located within Sahasrara, the seventh chakra. Soma Chakra is located in alignment with the middle of the forehead and is the seat of soma (the moon), amrita (nectar), and Kamadhenu. The color of Kamadhenu is white; her face is of a crow; her forehead is ahamkara (ego); and her eyes are human, of Brahmic nature. She has the horns of a cow, the neck of a horse, the tail of a peacock, and the wings of a white swan (hamsa).

“Soma”, represented by the face with a chakra on the forehead, is sometimes considered a separate chakra, associated with the mental clarity to achieve enlightenment. It is located between the Ajna and Sahasrara chakras.

Located above the third eye in the center of the forehead, the soma chakra refers to the "nectar", *amrita*, of the lotus of twelve petals in the center of which rests the crescent moon, the source of nectar.

Light, Archetypal identity, oriented to self-reflection. This chakra is known as the brow chakra or third eye center. It is related to the act of seeing, both physically and intuitively. As such it opens our psychic faculties and our understanding of archetypal levels. When healthy it allows us to see clearly, in effect, letting us "see the big picture." Intuitive.

Governs intuition, thought ,inner and outer sight, visions ,dreams.

The Ajna chakra with Hakini shakti in the center
Ajna Chakra or Third Eye Chakra - Sixth Energy Center

Swadhishthana Chakra - Second Energy Center
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