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Brahmanda Guruji Shri Narendra Babu Sharmaji speaks on Vastu Shastra

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Brahmanda Guruji Shri Narendra Babu Sharmaji speaks on Vastu Shastra
FAQ's are nothing but Frequently Asked Questions. Guruji Narendra Babu Sharma give answers to various questions which are asked by the callers in the programme. Also Guruji give us the knowledge on Vastu Shastra, which i have put in FAQ Format. Many People have lot of doubts on Vastu Shastra, which i have put in FAQ Format.
Please do ask concerned, if you have any doubts in below, who knows very well about our customs and practices and clarify the same.

  • Can we have mirrors in Bed room?

    Brahmanda Guruji Shri Narendra Babu Sharmaji speaks on Vastu Shastra

    Do not use mirror in bedrooms. If it can not be avoided, keep it in such a position that should not reflect your shadow while sleeping. Keep a curtain on mirror to avoid reflection. To avoid mirrors in bedroom means to avoid unnecessary quarrels between the couple.
  • Can we have mirrors in Dining room?

    Brahmanda Guruji Shri Narendra Babu Sharmaji speaks on Vastu Shastra

    Mirrors are excellent in the dining room. Having a wall to wall mirror in the dining room will not only reflect the food on the table representing that you will always have more than enough to eat, but it can also reflect the relationships between all who eat there. If you have this setup, make sure you regularly use your dining room for family dinners as this will reflect an abundance in health and wealth for the family. Convex mirrors are excellent for this room also as they reflect the entire room and disperse good energy.
  • In which direction we should place the mirror?

    Brahmanda Guruji Shri Narendra Babu Sharmaji speaks on Vastu Shastra

    We can place the mirror in the North East Corner either in the North or in East Wall.
  • Can we have Television in our Bed Room?

    Brahmanda Guruji Shri Narendra Babu Sharmaji speaks on Vastu Shastra

    Avoid television in bedroom. If you place T.V. in bedroom, it should be kept in south-east of bedroom. It should never be placed in front of bed as it works like a mirror.


  1. thank u for accepting my request for posting regarding jnana phala even u can add the solutions given by guruji through letters because many people have the same problems and they need not consult anyone regarding there problem and also in one of the episodes guruji told about to do namaskara to mother daily morning so that our chandra dosha problem will be solved and u can make another one column on ur webpage which can be named as jnana phala

  2. Hi Anonymous,
    I will try to start jnana phala section shortly..

    Thanks for your feedback and kind words.

  3. Namaste Guruji,
    I have a query regarding our never ending customs.

    My MIL told me that we have "suthka" because my husband's chikappa's son's daughter gave birth to a baby, and that we shouldn't visit any temples or light lamp in the puja room for 9 days.
    How far is this true, we have to follow this if any girl is matured.

    I am so frustrated by this belief because my husband has so many co-sisters and co-brothers that there is always one issue or the other.
    We are not allowed to celebrate any festivals at these times.
    We were on our way to a holy place when we got this news and we had to come back without visiting the temple because of this.
    I request you to please discuss about this topic in your TV programme.

  4. see that baabu... he himself is huge weight for earth and he is saying that 'nature is angry on us because of huge weght'

    what a funny thing...

  5. guruji i have an request pls guide me pls i bow u to get promotion in work wat i have to do
