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Enmity Relationships Between Planets

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Enmity Relationships Between Planets
Brahmanda Guruji Shri Narendra Babu Sharmaji gave us the information on which are enmity planets.

Sl no.Planet/Graha NameEnmity Graha/Planet Name
1.Sun (Surya)Sani (Saturn) ; Sukra (Venus)
2.Moon (Chandra)None
3.Mars (Kuja)Mercury (Budha)
4.Mercury (Budha)Moon (Chandra)
5.Gupiter (Guru)Budha (Mercury) ; Sukra (Venus)
6.Venus (Sukra)Moon (Chandra) ; Sun (Surya)
7.Saturn (Sani)Mars (Kuja) ; Moon (Chandra) ; Sun (Surya)

To Know which Zodiac/Rashi Signs is related to which planet, read this post titled "Zodiac/Rashi Signs and their Ruling or Ownership Planets".

To Read this post Click Here.


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