Brahmanda Guruji Shri Narendra Babu Sharmaji gave us the procedure to fulfill unknown vow to god (Arike in Kannada ; Venduthal in Tamil) in his Bruhat Brahmanda Programme telecasted in Zee Kannada TV Channel.
- You need Winnowing Basket (Muram in Tamil ; Mora in Kannada).
- Dont take only Navadanya (Navadhanya are the nine grains that are offered to the Navgrahas). Try to take all types of grains whichever is possible.
- Pack all these grains in small packets made of plastic or paper of quantity 25 to 100 grams depending upon your capability.
- This procedure should carried out with all members of the family.
- Dont visit the river, where the last rituals are carried out. Try to find for some new rivers in and around your location. This procedure should be carried out on river side.
- Along with above items, carry all types of fruits ; Bichchole (Black small bangles with two black beads tied to it) ; Glass Bangles ; Square Jaggery ; Small Mirror ; Small Comb.
- If you are living in your own house, collect some soil and make a gopura (cone) like structure by mixing it with milk and keep turmeric (Arishina) and Kumkum/Vermilion to it. Assume this as goddess and offer your prayers to it. If you are living in rented house use the soil from your plant pots.
- This procedure should be done on any wednesday which comes in between one Amavasya one Pournami.
- Kumkuma Archana should be done by using betel leaf (Vilyadele in Kannada ; Vetrilai in Tamil) only.
- Along with all these items keep Arishina Kombu ; Coin ; Betel leaves ; Areca nut and one lemon in it and offer your prayers.
- After all these procedures, keep all the items in basket and everyone should get down in the river and female head of the family should live the basket in the river with full respect and dedication and sprinkle to water to everyone.
- They call this procedure as offering bhagina in kannada.
- After this procedure visit the temple near or close to the river and get back to your respective houses.
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