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Following the Trail of Ramayana Sites in Sri Lanka 03

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Following the Trail of Ramayana Sites in Sri Lanka 03
Brahmanda Guruji Shri Narendra Babu Sharmaji is speaking on following the trail of Ramayana sites in Sri Lanka.
In this post we will see below places, of Ramayana Sites in Sri Lanka:
Thotupola Kanda at Hoton Plains
Rumassala Sanjeevani drops
Dolu Kanda, Sanjeevani drops
Thalladi, Sanjeevani drops
Kachchativu, Sanjeevani drops
Amman Kovil, Vantharumulai

An interesting as well as shocking episode took place here. To shatter Lord Rama’s confidence and halt his progress during the war, Indrajith eldest son of King Ravana played a trick, with Sitadevi’s look alike. Indrajith beheaded the look alike in front of Lord Hanuman thinking that it will stop the advancing forces of Lord Rama. There is a stone in this area called “Rampathagala” with one foot mark which is traditionally believed by the people as Lord Rama’s foot mark. This place is known as Sita Waka and situated close to Avissawella.

Yudhuganawa is situated in the midst of the jungle called Wasgamuwa. It is said that this particular piece of land can never bear any vegetation as this served as the battlefield and had borne the brunt of destruction.

World’s end or Pathala Lok:
World’s end or Pathala Lok is the place where Mahi Ravanan had hidden both Lord Rama and Lakshmana who were later rescued by Lord Hanuman and brought them back carrying them on his broad shoulders. This is situated at Horton Plains close to Nuwara Eliya.

Thotupola Kanda at Hoton Plains:
Researchers have found out more than 5 airports believed to have been used by King Ravana and his mighty army to land and take off their vimana's. These Vimana's were used as goods and passenger carriers. Identified airports are Weregantota in Mahiyangana, Thotupola Kanda at Hoton Plains, Usangoda on the Southern Coast, Wariyapola in Kurunegala and Wariyapola in Mattale.

Rumassala Sanjeevani drops:
At different points of time during the war both Lord Rama and Lakshmana were hit by powerful arrows, fell unconscious and to bring them back to life Lord Hanuman was instructed to fetch the life saving herbs from Himalaya. Hanuman went to the hill, lifted the whole hill and brought it, as he was not able to identify the life saving herbs alone. Parts from the hill fell on five places in Sri Lanka, namely, Rumasala in Galle, Dolu Kanda in Hiripitiya , Ritigala on the Habarana Anuradhapura road, Thalladi in Mannar and Kachchativu in the north.
Lord Hanumanji statue is found at the site.

Dolu Kanda, Sanjeevani drops:
At different points of time during the war both Lord Rama and Lakshmana were hit by powerful arrows, fell unconscious and to bring them back to life Lord Hanuman was instructed to fetch the life saving herbs from Himalaya. Hanuman went to the hill, lifted the whole hill and brought it, as he was not able to identify the life saving herbs alone. Parts from the hill fell on five places in Sri Lanka, namely, Rumasala in Galle, Dolu Kanda in Hiripitiya , Ritigala on the Habarana Anuradhapura road, Thalladi in Mannar and Kachchativu in the north.
Access 15 kms from Wariyapola.

Ritigala, Sanjeevani drops:
At different points of time during the war both Lord Rama and Lakshmana were hit by powerful arrows, fell unconscious and to bring them back to life Lord Hanuman was instructed to fetch the life saving herbs from Himalaya. Hanuman went to the hill, lifted the whole hill and brought it, as he was not able to identify the life saving herbs alone. Parts from the hill fell on five places in Sri Lanka, namely, Rumasala in Galle, Dolu Kanda in Hiripitiya , Ritigala on the Habarana Anuradhapura road, Thalladi in Mannar and Kachchativu in the north.
Access 10 kms from Habarana on Maradankadawa Road, turn off and further 10 kilo meters which leads to Ritigala.

Thalladi, Sanjeevani drops:
At different points of time during the war both Lord Rama and Lakshmana were hit by powerful arrows, fell unconscious and to bring them back to life Lord Hanuman was instructed to fetch the life saving herbs from Himalaya. Hanuman went to the hill, lifted the whole hill and brought it, as he was not able to identify the life saving herbs alone. Parts from the hill fell on five places in Sri Lanka, namely, Rumasala in Galle, Dolu Kanda in Hiripitiya , Ritigala on the Habarana Anuradhapura road, Thalladi in Mannar and Kachchativu in the north.
Special mention It is not possible to visit at present.

Kachchativu, Sanjeevani drops:
At different points of time during the war both Lord Rama and Lakshmana were hit by powerful arrows, fell unconscious and to bring them back to life Lord Hanuman was instructed to fetch the life saving herbs from Himalaya. Hanuman went to the hill, lifted the whole hill and brought it, as he was not able to identify the life saving herbs alone. Parts from the hill fell on five places in Sri Lanka, namely, Rumasala in Galle, Dolu Kanda in Hiripitiya , Ritigala on the Habarana Anuradhapura road, Thalladi in Mannar and Kachchativu in the north.
Access By boat from Jaffna
Special mention Not possible during this period due to on going situation in the country

Dunuwilla is the place from where Lord Rama fired the Brahmaastharam at King Ravana, which eventually killed him. Dhunu means arrow and Vila Means Lake. This place got its name because Lord Rama fired his arrow from this lake.

The cartels behind the Dunuvila lake are called Laggala which when translated into English gives us the meaning target rock. Laggala served as a sentry point to the King Ravana's army and it was from this rock the first Glimpse of Lord Rama's army was sighted and informed to King Ravana. This hill is geographically the highest part of the northern region of King Ravana's city and on a clear day the north east side that is Thiru Koneshwaran and north west side that is Talai mannar could be seen even today. King Ravana is believed to have done meditation on this rock and prayed Lord shiva at Thiru Koneshwaran from this point.

This is the temple of Lord Karthikeya Subramaniam at Kataragama. Lord Karthikeya was requested to go to the battlefield by Lord Indra on the last day of war. This was done to protect Lord Rama from the wrath of Brahmasthra aimed by King Ravana which other wise would have weakened Lord Rama. The benefit was one of the most powerful weapon brahma asthra aimed at Lord Rama for the second time was rendered useless by the presence of Lord Karthikeya.

King Ravana's body after his death was kept upon this rock Yehangala meaning bedrock. His body was kept here for his countrymen to pay their last respects to their dear departed king. Geographically this rock is visible from miles away on its 3 sides.

This is the place where Sita underwent Agni test. Sita reached her husband. Meeting him after such a long time, she ws overcome by joyous emotion. But Rama seemed to be lost in thought. At length he spoke, I have killed my enemy. I have done my duty as a true king. But you have lived for a year in the enemy's abode. It is not proper that I should take you back now. Sita was shocked. Is it my fault that the monster carried me off by force? All the time, my mind, my heart, and soul were fixed on you and you alone, my Lord!. She turned to Lakshmana and said with tears streaming from her eyes, Prepare for me a fire, That is the only remedy for this sorrow of mind. Lakshman in suppressed anger, looked at Rama's face, but saw no sign of softening. He lighted a big fire. Sita reverently went round her husband and approached the blazing fire. Joining her palms in salutation, she said, If I am pure, O fire, protect me. With these words she jumped into the flames, to the horror of monkeys who stood on all sides watching the tragic sight. Then arose from out of the flames Agni, the fire-god, whom she had invoked. He lifted Sita from the flames unharmed, and presented her to Rama. Don't I know that she is spotless and pure at heart? cried Rama, standing up to receiver her. It is for the sake of the world that I made her go through this ordeal of fire, so that the truth may be known to all.
Divurumpola means a place of oath. Today the temple is revered for the oath taken by Sitadevi and even the legal system permits and accepts the swearing done at this temple while settling disputes between parties.

Amman Kovil, Vantharumulai:
Vantharumulai in tamil means corner where they came and rested. It is believed that Lord Rama, Sitadevi, Lakshmana and Lord Hanuman rested at this place after the turmoil's of the war. Today the Eastern University is situated at this place.

Amarnthakali is believed to be the place where Lord Rama, Seethadevi and Lakshmana had their first meal after the ravages of the war. There is also a lake at this place known as Hanuman Lake or the old lake, which served to extinguish the fire set on lord hanuman's tail. Today their exists a temple for Kali Amman , Lord Shiva and Lord Ganesha.

Watch all these places in this video below

Click on Play to watch the video


  1. "I really appreciate your efforts. I have read it in a book earlier that 108 shiva's kshtras are there. But today, I came to see that through this website.
    I know about Sindoora Ganesh. I about also know Suvarchala saheta pancha mukha . I am one of the devotee. Thank U and keep it up. Every Akshara mala is very powerful and useful and it is original Powar's Power, endless power too. Nobody can measure this Oceanic knowledge.
    !!! Servejana Sukhino Bhavanthu.!!!

    "sa" means "vijaya" and another "swaya" and so many meaning are differnt tatvas . I think U know, swara aksharas "Ma Ma " means Mother. O.k.
    Nareenam Bhushanam pati. But Vidya Sarvassya bhushanam.
    Keep this knowledge and gain this country. God bless u and everyone.

    with regards
