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Following the Trail of Ramayana Sites in Sri Lanka 04

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Following the Trail of Ramayana Sites in Sri Lanka 04
Brahmanda Guruji Shri Narendra Babu Sharmaji is speaking on following the trail of Ramayana sites in Sri Lanka.
In this post we will see below places, of Ramayana Sites in Sri Lanka:
Thiru Koneshwaram Temple
Thiru Ketheswaram
Gavagala (Ghoushala)
Wariyapola in Mattale

Kelaniya is the place where King Veebeshana ruled after being crowned by Lakshmana. As Lord Rama was in exile for 14 years, could not take part in any coronation ceremony, deputed his younger brother prince Lakshmana to crown Veebeshana. Today in this very place a Buddhist shrine and a temple for king Veebeshana exist. There are murals enshrined outside the Buddhist temple depicting the crowning of King Veebeshana. Today temples for King Veebeshana are found through out Lanka and he is still considered as one of the 4 guardian deities of Sri Lanka. A painting of King Veebeshana adorns the walls of the new parliament. It is a fact that there is no temple for King Ravana where as many exist for King Veebeshana. This goes on to prove that his stand towards dharma and justice made him a god is Sri Lanka.
Kelaniya is situated about 10 km from Colombo on Colombo – Kandy road.

Lord Rama after his victorious battle left for Ayodhya in one of King Ravana’s vimana’s. He felt he was being followed by bramhaasthi dosham as he had killed King Ravana who was a Brahmin. He stops the vimana at this juncture because he felt at this place the “Brahmaasthi Dosham” was not following him. He ascends from the vimana and asks God Shiva for a remedy. God Shiva blessed Lord Rama and advised installing and praying four lingams at Manavari, Thiru Koneshwaram, Thiru Ketheshwaram and Rameshwaram in India, as the only remedy to get rid of the dosham.
About 12 kilometers from Chilaw town on Colombo-Puttalam road.

Manavari is the first lingam installed and prayed by Lord Rama and till date this lingam is called as Ramalinga Shivan. Rameshwaram is the only other lingam in the world named after Lord Rama.
Manavari is situated on the Chilaw – Puttalam road about 10 km from Chilaw.

On his return Lord Rama stopped at this place to reach Thiru Koneshwaram. He rested his bow on the ground here. Bow meaning vil and Undri meaning resting, in Tamil gave this place Vilundri its name.
This temple is situated in the Trincomalee town.

Thiru Koneshwaram Temple:
Thiru Koneshwaram was built by sage Agasthyar as per the instructions of Lord Shiva who was impressed by the devotion of King Ravana. This place has the uniqueness of the lord building a temple for his devotee as a reward for his devotion. Lord Rama also offered his prayers on his return to get himself rid of the Brahmaasthi dosham.
This is situated within the Dutch Fort. People are allowed to walk to the temple without any special approval. However to take vehicle need to obtain approval from the Army Head Quarters in Trincomalee.

Thiru Ketheswaram:
Thiru Ketheshwaram is the third Lingam in Lanka, which was installed and prayed by Lord Rama to get rid of the Brahmasthi dosham.

Thirukovil is the place where King Ravana mother’s palace stood. The whole place was submerged, and a temple has been built on the shores now.
This is situated in the Eastern Coast of Ampara.

Kanniya is the place where King Ravana carried out the last rites for his mother. When he was not able to find water to perform his rites, he in sheer anger pierced his trishul on the ground seven times, and water started gushing out immediately. It is believed that the anger of the king subsided on seeing the water and similarly the warmth of the water also reduced. The temperature of the water is different in all the seven wells.
This is situated in about 10 km from Trincomalee town on the Trincomalee – Anuradhapura road.

Gavagala (Ghoushala):
King Ravana had his dairy farm here. Milk was air lifted to the capital Lankapura from here using Vimana's. The stone pillars here has the worn out marks cast by constant use of tying ropes on them.
This is situated at Harasbedda on Nuwera Eliya - Walapane Road.

Wariyapola in Mattale:
Researchers have found out more than 5 airports believed to have been used by King Ravana and his mighty army to land and take off their vimana's. These Vimana's were used as goods and passenger carriers. Identified airports are Weregantota in Mahiyangana, Thotupola Kanda at Hoton Plains, Usangoda on the Southern Coast, Wariyapola in Kurunegala and Wariyapola in Mattale

Watch all these places in this video below

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