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Following the Trail of Ramayana Sites in Sri Lanka 05

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Following the Trail of Ramayana Sites in Sri Lanka 05
Brahmanda Guruji Shri Narendra Babu Sharmaji is speaking on following the trail of Ramayana sites in Sri Lanka. This is the last post on Following the Trail of Ramayana Sites in Sri Lanka.
In this post we will see below places, of Ramayana Sites in Sri Lanka:
Ravana Cave
Ravana’s mummy

Ravana Cave:
These tunnels prove beyond doubt the architectural brilliance of King Ravana. These tunnels served as a quick means of transport through the hills and also as a secret passage. These tunnels networked all the important cities, airports and dairy farms. A close look at these tunnels indicates that they are man-made and not natural formations. This Buddhist shrine at Kalutara was where once King Ravana's palace and a tunnel existed. Existing tunnel mouths are situated - Isthripur at Welimada, Ravana cave at Bandarawela, Senapitiya at Halagala, Ramboda, Labookelle, Wariyapola/Matale, and Sitakotuwa/Hasalaka. In addition there are many more tunnels.

Kondakalai like many other cities and villages in Sri Lanka also derives its name from the Ramayana, when King Ravana took Sitadevi in a chariot to ashoka vatika her hairs got de ranged because of the speed of the chariot. Konda kalai in tamil means deranging of hair. Till date the villagers live with legacy of this event.

Ravana’s mummy:
After King Ravana’s death, the naga tribes were grief struck and were not able to accept the reality of the death of their beloved King. They took King Ravnans’s body into the jungles and tried to give life with their mystical powers. As they could not bring him back to life they mummified his body and hid it in a cave. It is a belief in Sri Lanka that King Ravana’s mummy lies hidden some where in these hills. It is somewhere within the range of Harasbedda, Ragala, Walapane mountains.

Watch all these places in this video below

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