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Brahmanda Guruji Shri Narendra Babu Sharmaji Speaks on Kalasarpa Dosha

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Brahmanda Guruji Shri Narendra Babu Sharmaji Speaks on Kalasarpa Dosha
  • Everyone should do Kalasarpa Dosha whether you have it or not.

  • To offer Kalasarpa Dosha, you should go with whole family. You should not miss anyone citing reasons like he/she is abroad or he/she is having some work etc..

  • Kalasarpa Pooja should be offered only in Sri Kalahasti Temple.

  • Offer pooja any day but you should offer it in Rahu Kala only.

  • People who dont have Male kids and has only Female kids should offer pooja on Monday or Friday or Sunday in Rahu Kala only.

  • People who dont have Female kids and has only male kids should offer pooja on Tuesdays or Thursdays or Saturdays in Rahu Kala only.

  • People who have both Male and Female kids should offer pooja on Wednesdays or Mondays or Fridays in Rahu Kala only.

  • Kalasarpa pooja means offering prayers for shanthi of Rahu and Ketu.

  • When you purchase a new vehicle, offer prayers to Paatala Ganapathi, present 30 feet below the ground level to avoid major accidents.

  • You should go only for Kalasarpa pooja purpose and get back.

  • You should visit Sri Kalahasti after visiting Tirupathi only.

  • Kalasarpa dosha pooja should be done once in every one and half years.

  • Why is this one and half year, because every day Rahu Kala is for One and half hour.

  • For more information on temple and pooja click on this link : Sri Kalahasthi Kalahatheeswarar Temple.

1 comment:

  1. Namaste guruji
    Iam your good fan & follower . Once you had said not to plan kids till 2019, can I please know the date after which we can plan ?.
    Thank you
    Ranjana Abhishek
